Cybersecurity information flow


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2024年5月24日 13:53 腾讯玄武实验室推送
该文章重点讨论了24年来被遗忘的Null Session漏洞和MS-RPC接口,说明了Microsoft对Null Session能力的限制以及如何绕过策略和限制,以及其对安全研究人员和渗透测试人员的价值。
2024年5月24日 13:53 腾讯玄武实验室推送
介绍了macOS Malware 如何利用CVE-2023-40424漏洞
2024年5月24日 13:53 腾讯玄武实验室推送
2024年5月24日 13:13 freebuf
2024年5月24日 11:53 freebuf
2024年5月24日 11:33 freebuf
为防范此类威胁,Enea 建议监控流量行为、检查 URL 并警惕包含链接的意外消息。
2024年5月24日 11:13 Github关注
An In-memory Embedding of CPython
2024年5月24日 11:13 Github关注
An In-memory Embedding of CPython
2024年5月24日 11:13 Github关注
Tomcat常见漏洞GUI利用工具。CVE-2017-12615 PUT文件上传漏洞、tomcat-pass-getshell 弱认证部署war包、弱口令爆破、CVE-2020-1938 Tomcat AJP文件读取/包含
2024年5月24日 11:13 Github关注
The replication package of paper "Pre-training by Predicting Program Dependencies for Vulnerability Analysis Tasks"
2024年5月24日 11:13 freebuf
为防范此类威胁,Enea 建议监控流量行为、检查 URL 并警惕包含链接的意外消息。
2024年5月24日 10:53 freebuf
2024年5月24日 10:16 知名组件CVE监控
Ecshop 3.6 is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) via ecshop/article_cat.php.
2024年5月24日 10:13 补天社区
2024年5月24日 10:13 补天社区
2024年5月24日 10:13 每周科技周刊
OpenAI 的图书馆工位
OpenAI 是眼下最炙手可热、排名第一的 AI 公司。
2024年5月24日 10:13 freebuf
这次还是OSS存储桶的利用, 只不过切入点是STS的泄露造成桶内任意文件覆盖, 加上桶中的js文件又在官网首页中引用所以造成的危害比较严重 ...
2024年5月24日 10:13 freebuf
密码学是为了达到机密信息不被非授权地获知的目的而采取的某种手段或方式,主要基于数学或物理的某种变换来实现加密/ 解密。
2024年5月24日 08:13 freebuf
最近浮出水面的 Dispossessor 勒索软件,其与臭名昭著的 LockBit 勒索软件团伙存在许多相似之处。
2024年5月24日 06:13 blackhat
发布时间:2024-05-23 演讲时间:0000-00-00 12:00am 演讲时长:40-Minute
Tags:['Enterprise Security', 'Network Security'] 无附件
In the current era where many network appliances are built on Linux operating systems, strong and robust firmware security is a must. Historically, network devices struggled to implement everything securely. As a result, there is a big push to use both memory-safe languages, as well as achieve process isolation similar to that of hardened operating systems. Technologies like docker, k8s, and languages like golang are gaining adoption in the device firmware industry. But, they are not a cure-all.<br><br>In this talk, we will give an overview of network devices supply chain and how the firmware security looked before, and show the latest version of F5 BIG-IP platform, BIG-IP Next, which uses modern technology to be more secure. We will show how this approach did improve the security of the platform, compared to the previous versions. We will also show how it still managed to fall short on basic security h
2024年5月24日 06:13 blackhat
发布时间:2024-05-23 演讲时间:0000-00-00 12:00am 演讲时长:40-Minute
Tags:['Cloud Security', 'Application Security: Offense'] 无附件
Integration Platforms for Workflow Automation (e.g., Microsoft Power Automate), Virtual Voice Assistants (e.g., Amazon Alexa), Smart Homes (e.g., Google Home), and Large Language Model (LLM) platforms supporting Plugins (e.g. OpenAI ChatGPT), are becoming essential in our personal and professional lives. However, we find many of these platforms vulnerable to a new class of authorization attacks.<br><br>As one of their core functions, integration platforms support "Account Linking" to connect end-users' accounts at third-party services/apps (e.g., Gmail, Dropbox) to their platform account. This enables the platform to utilize and orchestrate a wide range of external services on behalf of the end-user. For example, users can configure Microsoft Power Automate to automatically send an email whenever a new GitHub issue is filed. Multi-party authorizations are known to be error-prone and should have 
2024年5月24日 06:13 blackhat
发布时间:2024-05-23 演讲时间:0000-00-00 12:00am 演讲时长:40-Minute
Tags:['Exploit Development & Vulnerability Discovery', 'Mobile'] 无附件
WebAssembly (WASM) is a high-performance compiled language that is assembly-like and executes at high speeds in the browser. It can also be extended to Cloud Native, Mobile, IoT, blockchain and other fields. WASM bytecode is first compiled into machine code by the compiler and then executed in the WASM virtual machine.<br><br>In our previous research [1], we discovered a number of security issues in the WASM compilation phase of the Safari browser. However, through analysis of these vulnerabilities, we found that most of them are difficult to exploit. The reason is that although they caused serious memory corruption during the compilation phase, it was limited by the "predefined code path", which restricted the method of using the bug to hijack the control flow. Fortunately, we found that the execution phase has a more flexible operating space than the compilation phase. Wrong compilatio
2024年5月24日 06:13 blackhat
发布时间:2024-05-23 演讲时间:0000-00-00 12:00am 演讲时长:40-Minute
Tags:['AI, ML, & Data Science', 'Platform Security'] 无附件
Following the widespread adoption of AI, ML and LLMs, organizations are required to facilitate MLOps. The easiest way to streamline these processes is to deploy an open-source ML platform in the organization, such as MLflow, Kubeflow or Metaflow, which supports actions such as model building, training, evaluation, sharing, publishing and more.<br><br>Our talk will explain how MLOps platforms can become a gold mine for attackers seeking to penetrate the organization and move laterally within it - we will present an analysis of the six most popular OSS MLOps platforms, showing how each MLOps feature can be directly mapped to a real-world attack. We will demonstrate how server-side and client-side CVEs we discovered in multiple platforms can be used for infecting both the MLOps platform servers and their clients (data scientists and MLOps CI/CD machines).<br><br>Most importantly - we will illustrate ho
2024年5月24日 06:13 blackhat
发布时间:2024-05-23 演讲时间:0000-00-00 12:00am 演讲时长:30-Minute
Tags:['Enterprise Security', 'Cloud Security'] 无附件
In my presentation, I will share a method to phish the phishing-resistant authentication mechanism, Windows Hello for Business (WHfB). Despite WHfB's design to provide secure authentication through cryptographic keys, my research uncovers a method that allows attackers to downgrade this secure method to a more vulnerable, phishable one.<br><br>My research reveals how attackers can intercept and modify POST requests to Microsoft's authentication services and manipulate the system into defaulting to a less secure authentication method. This is achieved by altering parameters such as User-Agent or isFidoSupported in the authentication request. <br><br>I will detail the exploitation process, showing how I have modified the EvilGinx framework to automate the attack, making it scalable. Furthermore, I will discuss mitigation strategies, specifically focusing on the implementation of conditional access policies 
2024年5月24日 06:13 blackhat
发布时间:2024-05-23 演讲时间:0000-00-00 12:00am 演讲时长:40-Minute
Tags:['AI, ML, & Data Science'] 无附件
As LLMs are being integrated into more and more applications, security standards for these integrations have lagged behind. Most security research either focuses 1) on social harms, biases exhibited by LLMs, and other content moderation tasks, or 2) zooms in on the LLM itself and ignores the applications that are built around them. Investigating traditional security properties such as confidentiality, integrity, or availability for the entire integrated application has received less attention, yet in practice, we find that this is where the majority of non-transferable risk lies with LLM applications. <br><br>NVIDIA has implemented dozens of LLM powered applications, and the NVIDIA AI Red Team has helped secure all of them. We will present our practical findings around LLM security: what kinds of attacks are most common and most impactful, how to assess LLM integrations most effectively from a security perspective, and 
2024年5月24日 06:13 hackone
影响厂商:HackerOne 奖励: 危险等级:critical
" 不安全直接对象引用(IDOR)允许通过/bugs.json端点查看私密报告细节"
2024年5月24日 06:13 hackone
" 不安全的直接对象引用(IDOR)允许通过“/bugs.json”端点查看私密报告细节。"
2024年5月24日 04:20 Github_POC
Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability
[GitHub]scripted CVE-2023-24932 mitigation guide

" 安全启动安全特性绕过漏洞\n[GitHub] 自动化 CVE-2023-24932 缓解指南"
2024年5月24日 04:19 Stories by SAFARAS K A on Medi
Recently, I discovered a few interesting SQL injections. I came across this while testing an ASP.NET application with an MS SQL Server database at the backend. This combination of technologies often produces a lot of interesting bugs. I don’t know if this is because of the complexity and lack of knowledge of the developer or the nature of these technologies. But perhaps both of them.
But before I start to dig into the discovered SQL injections, I would like to show the process of discovering these bugs because I think it’s quite simple and interesting.
So while testing an ASP.NET application, I came across a JS file with a list of available API endpoints. It has more than five hundred different routes. Most of them accept POST requests with JSON payload. The application validates only expected fields from JSON data and ignores all others. So you can pass as many parameters as you wish.
I opened my BurpSuite and started proxying all requests. I visited each page and clicked all the buttons which I 
2024年5月24日 04:18 Stories by SAFARAS K A on Medi
Web application firewalls are the most annoying when you know that there is vulnerability out there! Usually, it’s old, not really well-maintained websites, so in most cases, it’s just easier to put WAF on top of them. What if I told you that there is a way to bypass this layer of protection — I’m talking about finding origin IP address as a method. We will explore multiple ways how you can do it.
Firewall Basics
This is a basic diagram of how a firewall works:
The regular user sends requests through the firewall, firewall checks the request if it’s legit, and passes that request to the server. Then the server processes that request, sends it back to the firewall and the firewall sends it to the client. It’s doing that because the origin server doesn’t want to disclose its own IP to the clients. On the other hand, a hacker (marked with a skull icon) doesn’t want to go through the middleman and wants to go to the server directly. If for example, yo