Cybersecurity information flow


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2024年5月10日 15:43 Github关注
🔥🕷️ Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scrapper
2024年5月10日 15:43 Github关注
2024年5月10日 15:43 Github关注
proof-of-concept for generating Java deserialization payload | Proxy MemShell 反序列化概念验证工具 | 动态代理实现内存马
2024年5月10日 15:03 freebuf
2024年5月10日 15:03 freebuf
2024年5月10日 14:03 Github关注
2024年5月10日 14:03 freebuf
2024年5月10日 13:51 Stories by SAFARAS K A on Medi
From Bounty Platform to Hunting Tricks
Continue reading on InfoSec Write-ups »

" 从赏金平台到狩猎技巧\n继续阅读InfoSec Write-ups »"
2024年5月10日 13:51 Stories by SAFARAS K A on Medi
In this write-up, I share my journey of uncovering a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability within the search functionality and course tags of the open-source CMS/LMS known as Frappe. This ended up in me earning/discovering a CVE (2023–5555).
A SAST (Static Application Security Testing) tool is software that analyzes source code or compiled versions without running the program. It hunts for security vulnerabilities, coding errors, and compliance with standards.
With the knowledge that a CMS often presents ample opportunities for XSS vulnerabilities, I embarked on an experiment by scouring GitHub for “Open Source CMS.” My search led me to the Frappe LMS repository (Frappe LMS Repository), boasting 300 forks and almost 700 stars. One might assume that an open-source project with such popularity would prioritize security. However, my findings suggested otherwise.
Credited !
Leveraging SemGrep for Analysis
To expedite the process, I employed the remarkable free code analysis tool, SemGrep. SemGrep 
2024年5月10日 13:51 Stories by SAFARAS K A on Medi
Recon on Steroids — Discover EVEN MORE Subdomains
Won’t you love to find the website or asset that nobody else has found, test it, and find some serious vulnerability that will result in a big fat paycheck? Yes, it is possible! If you’re thinking outside the box! The big programs, which have “all our assets in scope”, “everything that they own in scope” or something similar mentioned in their policy, could unlock the path to finding untested areas. I will show my own unique methods to discover more core subdomains. This will probably even surprise the program managers when they realize that you have found an asset they have no idea that they own.
Main Website Recon
If you saw some of my videos from the recon playlist, you know that I show most of my examples of the Coca-Cola company. I usually prepare a list of root domains in the wildcards.txt file. Let’s try populating this file.
The first thing that I gonna show you, is just doing simply stupid
2024年5月10日 13:50 Stories by SAFARAS K A on Medi
Hello Guys! Hope you are doing well in this pandemic.
This write up is about Bug, Which I found in private program before six months and resolved before two months. As I mentioned in my previous blog posts, I go by functionality to hunt for Bugs. I loved this bug due to how simple IDOR could create a Huge impact if linked with the existing functionality.
As this bug was reported to private program, I won’t be able to disclose program name. I would mention it as throughout this blog post. For better understanding, I would just mention that it is an app to generate forms for surveys, quiz and more, collect responses from those forms as well as integrate with other services.
Mostly I look for Business logic, IDORs and server-side bugs while hunting. I don’t follow any predefined or fixed methodology but just go with some basic recon, Try to understand normal flow of application and then go for hunting.
This bug was in the integration functionality. First I would describe basic flow of this functiona
2024年5月10日 13:49 Stories by SAFARAS K A on Medi
Hi Fellow Hackers!!!
Happy New Year!!!
This Write-Up is about the same program i mentioned in my another article “”
As mentioned in that write-up this program introduced new feature called “Custom role” which allows admin to create user with custom permissions. One of the permission which could be assigned was “Access to security section”
As seen above Imagine Admin has created user with the custom role which has only “access to security section” admin permission.
As seen in below screenshot admin has created custom role “test scim ” and assigned it to user “james parker”.
Security section of this application was containing feature “SCIM provisioning” which allows to create,update,delete user data through Identity Provider.
Those who are not familiar with SCIM , I am referring below link to understand the concept
There were many identity provider options available but i used OKTA to test this.
To complete the setup one need to generate SCI
2024年5月10日 13:48 Stories by SAFARAS K A on Medi
Hello Community,
This article is about the Web meeting App, which i was invited as a part of their private program. This was the first time that i was testing web meting app.
As usual, I started playing with the functionalities and inspecting the traffic. As this is the real time traffic Majority of the functionality was over Web Socket.
I would recommend below link to understand how to inspect and play with the web socket traffic
Testing for WebSocket vulnerabilities with Burp Suite
I found two access control Bugs while testing this app, which i have described below
Bypass Public chat restriction
This was the Web meeting app and it has two roles Presenter/Meeting Admin and attendee. As per below screenshot Presenter could set webinar option to allow only Private chat.
Webinar Options
Using the Presenter account i enforced private chat only in webinar.
Now i joined as attendee in another browser and as expected i was only able to send chat to presenter.
Private Chat Only
I sent message to presenter and interc
2024年5月10日 13:43 Github关注
A blazing fast inference solution for text embeddings models
2024年5月10日 13:03 freebuf
2024年5月10日 11:23 Github关注
The platform for customizing AI from enterprise data
2024年5月10日 11:23 freebuf
2024年5月10日 11:23 freebuf
2024 年 4 月,国内相关政府部门、机构协会相继发布了近十项针对网络安全行业的法规、条例和指南。
2024年5月10日 10:43 freebuf
2024年5月10日 10:23 Github关注
Elasticsearch 可视化DashBoard, 支持Es监控、实时搜索,Index template快捷替换修改,索引列表信息查看, SQL converts to DSL等
2024年5月10日 10:23 freebuf
2024年5月10日 10:23 先知社区
2024年5月10日 10:23 先知社区
2024年5月10日 10:13 补天社区
2024年5月10日 10:03 freebuf
2024年5月10日 10:03 Github关注
2024年5月10日 09:50 绿盟科技博客
2024年5月10日 09:43 每周科技周刊
AI 的关键是语料
大家有没有发现,现在打开新闻,都是 AI 模型的消息。
2024年5月10日 09:13 补天社区
Jayway JsonPath是json-path开源的一个用于读取 Json 文档的 Java DSL。浅谈其中的JSON解析差异导致的权限绕过。
2024年5月10日 09:03 freebuf
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